Digital Nomad Visa | Mazzeschi Legal Counsels

Jun 13, 2024

FAQs: Digital Nomad Visa and Remote Worker Visa in Italy

Digital Nomad Visa and Remote WOrker Visa: Frequently Asked Question Q.1 Digital Nomad Visa in Italy: What is the legal ground for the...
May 07, 2024

Italian Consulate in London Unveils Requirements for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa (and Remote Worker Visa)

Italy Digital Nomad Visa : Italian Consulate in London announced the list of documents The Italian Consulate in London has just announced the...
Apr 09, 2024

Italy Digital Nomad Visa: Too good to be true?

The other side of the Italy's Digital Nomad Visa? Theoretically speaking, the Italy digital nomad visa offers great opportunities to...
Apr 08, 2024

Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa : Eligibility, Requirements, Application and more

Italy's Digital Nomad Visa : An overview Italy's Digital Nomad Visa can be issued to non-EU highly skilled workers using technological...
Apr 05, 2024

From Dream to Reality: Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa Now Available

The Italy's Digital Nomad Visa has been officially introduced to the Italian immigration system The implementing decree of the Italy's...
Mar 05, 2024

Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa: Finally a dream comes true?

Italy's Digital Nomad Visa: Updates From information received from unofficial sources, the Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs,...
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