EU Blue Card Work Permit

The EU Blue card is a work permit for highly qualified workers to work in Italy. Contact us for an initial consultation and price quote by filling out the online form.

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The Annual Quota System of Work Permit in Italy

NON-EU citizens must obtain a work clearance/permit (Nulla Osta) to be able to work in Italy. Such a clearance/permit is issued based on the available quota which is fixed annually by means of a Decree – the so-called “decreto-flussi“. The decree sets the numerical limits (quota) of work clearance/permits that can be issued for each category of foreign workers and the application submission time frame. Work permits are normally granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

EU BLUE CARD – Extra Quota Work Permit for Highly Qualified Foreign Workers

The EU Blue Card is one of the extra quota work permits for non-EU highly specialized workers to work in Italy. It can be applied for at any time of the year, as it is not subject to the limitations of the immigration quotas.

Who is Eligible for EU Blue Card Work Permit?

The EU Blue card (Carta Blu UE – Art. 27-quater of Italian Immigration law) is a work permit for non-EU highly skilled workers to work in Italy. To obtain the work permit, the applicant shall meet the requirements below:

  1. Be able to provide a higher education qualification:In order to be eligible, the foreign worker must be in possession of an academic degree awarded on completion of a University/non university course of at least 3 years’ duration and, if required, of the necessary professional qualifications (if the position offered is for a regulated profession). The degree must be validated by the Italian Consulate in the country where it was issued (Declaration of Value – Dichiarazione di Valore). Alternatively, professional experience (5 year relevant to the job offer or 3 years in the IT sector) can be proved.
  2. Have a valid work contract or job offer:  the applicant shall have a valid work contract or a binding job offer from an employer based in Italy for a highy qualified job, for at least 6 months.
  3. Salary: The annual salary offered must not be lower than that established by the national collective labour agreements or anyway not lower than the average annual gross salary as reported by ISTAT (approximately 34,000 euros).

EU Blue Card Work Permit Application Procedure

Even though there may be slight variations from one category to the other, the basic procedure for obtaining a work permit is the following:

  1. Work permit (Nulla Osta) Online application,filed by the Italian employer/host company, after having conducted a labour market test and produced the "asseverazione" i.e. attestation certifying the employer's compliance with the legal requirements for hiring foreign workers;;
  2. Work Visa (Visto) application, filed by the worker at the Italian Consulate which has jurisdiction over his place of residence.
  3. Entry into Italy, within 8 days the worker must go to the local Immigration Office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione), sign the contract of stay (contratto di soggiorno) and/or file the application for the residence permit (permesso di soggiorno).
  4. Obtain the EU Blue Card Residence permit (Permesso di soggiorno Carta Blu UE). The Police issues an EU Blue Card residence permit (Permesso di soggiorno Carta Blu UE) valid for 2 years for open-end work contracts or for the validity of the contract plus 3 months, in case of a fixed term job contract.

Our Services for EU Blue Card Work Permit

We can assist clients with every step of the process, from the work permit (Nulla Osta) application with the Immigration Office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) until the collection of the residence permit. Through our network of 100+ local consultants, we accompany our clients in person in all major cities in Italy and guarantee a complete and well-presented application to achieve a higher chance of success.

Our services include:
  • Legal advice on immigration compliance
  • Provide drafts and advise on documentations
  • Prepare and submit work permit application
  • Provide guidelines on Visa application
  • Practical assistance and personal accompany for contract of stay application
  • Practical assistance and personal accompany for all appointment regarding to residence permit application
Extra Services:
  • Document translation and Attestation
  • Legalization / Apostille
  • Posted worker notification
  • Residency registration with Town-hall
  • Health National Service registration
  • Identity Card application
  • Home feasibility certificate

Request a Free Quote

If you are looking for an immigration service provider in Italy, contact us for an initial consultation and price quote by filling out the online form. Our immigration consultants will reach out to you shortly via email. Please note that in case of complex issues we may require a consultation fee for the initial assessment and schedule a 30 minutes call with one of our immigration experts.

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