Residence permits that allow you to work in Italy

Sep 29, 2023

Foreign nationals who intend to carry out working activities in Italy must hold a valid residence permit that specifically allows to work. Generally, residence permits that include the habilitation to work have the tag “permesso unico lavoro” (residence permit for work). However, there are some residence permit types that do not have this tag specified on the card. Here are some of the common residence permits that authorize to work in Italy:

  1. The most common ones:

    • Subordinate work residence permit

    • Self-employed work residence permit

  2. Long-Term EU residece permit: for those who have been residing legally in Italy for five years or more

  3. Seasonal work permit: this permit allows individuals to work in specific seasonal sectors, such as agriculture or tourism, for a limited period.

  4. Student residence permit: students enrolled in higher education institutions in Italy can work part-time (up to 20 hrs/week) during their studies.

  5. Family permit: holders of residence permit for family reasons are allowed to work.

  6. Job seekers permit: this permit is issued to those foreign nationals who, at the time of renewal of a residence permit for subordinate/student work purposes, do not have an employment yet but are registered as a job seekers in the Employment Centre Registry.

  7. work visas and residence permits with special conditions and outside of the quota limits
    • Working-holiday visa: issued to holders of a working-holiday visa, which generally allows the a one-year maximum stay in Italy, as a tourist, and to carry out temporary work activities (without exceeding a total of 6 months and with no more than 3 months under the same employer).
    • EU blue card: for highly specialized non-EU workers hired in Italy.
    • Sports permit: for foreign athletes who need to move to Italy to perform professional activities for an Italian Sports Association. Work is allowed in this particular context only.
    • Work permits for temporary assignments (Intra company work permit, intra company transfers, service agreements)Research permit: issued to foreigners for the purposes of scientific research who are invited by a research institute (approved by the Ministry for Education, University an Research). The work activity is allowed only in the context of the agreement and research project).
    • Internship and professional training courses permits: these are special permits approved by the Italian Region and organized by accredited bodies.  Internships are based on a convention between an accredited organization, which operates as an intermediary (such as Centres for Employment, Universities, scholar institutions, public centres of vocational training, etc.) and the public or private hosting employer.
    • Investor permit: granted to investors after positive assessment on a specific investment from the ministry of internal affairs and the Minisry of enterprises and made in Italy.

Here is also a list of the permits that specifically do not allow to work:

  1. Elective residence permit: this permit is for those who wish to reside in Italy without engaging in any work or business activities, it entails the reception of passive income only.
  2. Medical care permit: for foreigners who have obtained visa to get medical treatment in an Italian public or private facility.
  3. Religious motives permit
  4. Awaiting citizenship permit: for those foreigners already residents in Italy and who are eligible for Italian citizenship (they must have already filed their application for citizenship).

This article was written by Louise D. Machetti

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