FAQs: Applying for Italian citizenship by Residency (Naturalization)

Mar 28, 2023

Are you evaluating your options for obtaining Italian citizenship by residency (naturalization)? Or are you already applying for Italian citizenship by Residency?

If so, check out our FAQs about applying for Italian citizenship by Residency!

  1. Can I apply for Italian citizenship by residency even if I am resident outside Italy?
    No; the request for Italian citizenship is based on the applicant’s current residency in Italy.
    The applicant shall be resident in Italy for a certain number of years starting from his/her registration at an Italian Town Hall and the applicant shall maintained his/her residency throughout the whole process.
  2. Can I sum up the years of residency in Italy, even if they were not continuous?
    No; the required number of years should be uninterrupted, with no gaps.
  3. What are the requirements other than having the required years of residency?
    Requirements are based on the number of years of residency, absence of criminal records, payment of tax in Italy, and knowledge of the Italian language.
  4. Does owning a property in Italy shorten the years of residency required?
    No; you should declare if you have properties in Italy, but this will not lead to any simplified or shorter process (however, it might be positively evaluated).
  5. After how many years can I apply for Italian Citizenship by residency?
    Non-EU applicants can apply after 10 consecutive years of residency registered at an Italian Town Hall.
  6. Are there any reductions to the required residency years? If so, under what circumstances can they be reduced?
    Yes; the required residency period can be reduced in specific cases, such as:
    EU citizens: they can apply after 4 consecutive years of registered residency.
    Applicants born in Italy or with an Italian parent/grandparent at birth: they can apply after 3 consecutive years of registered residence.
    Adult children of naturalized Italian citizens: they can apply after 5 consecutive years of registered residency, starting from the parent’s official oath date.
  7. Do past criminal charges have an impact on my citizenship application?
    Yes, they do; applicants should submit criminal records for all countries of past residence and also, the one of his/her country of origin to prove that there are no criminal charges against him/her. Please contact citizenship@mazzeschi.it for further details.
  8. Do I need to obtain the certificate of Italian criminal records when requesting Italian citizenship by residency?
    No; for this process, there is no need to request any Italian criminal certificate because Italian authorities will acquire these details directly by the local competent authority.
  9. Am I eligible to apply for the Italian citizenship (by residency) even if my income is produced abroad?
    No, you aren’t; one of the basic requirements is proving an income produced and taxed in Italy.
  10. Is it necessary to show the income and taxation for the whole period of residency in Italy?
    Yes; authorities only request tax documents for the last 3 years of residency. However, all requirements in place at time of submission, including producing an income in Italy, should remain valid until the end of the process.
  11. When applying for Italian citizenship by residency, can I use my language certificate obtained abroad (attending a school abroad)?
    Yes; you can attend a language school in Italy or abroad. However, please keep in mind that it should be an official institution accepted for Italian citizenship applications that are listed by the Italian Ministry.
  12. Is there any exemption for the Italian language certificate?
    Yes; if you have an EU long-term residence permit, you comply with the Integration Agreement provisions or you own a qualification issued by Italian public schools or state-recognised private institutions, you are exempt from procuring a language certificate.
  13. Do I need to have all the documents ready before the application for Italian citizenship by residency?
    Yes; for the online application for Italian citizenship, scanned copies of all required documents shall be uploaded. Otherwise the application may be declared as inadmissible.
  14. Can I change my residency to a different municipality (Comune) while my Italian citizenship application is pending?
    Yes; residence change from one Town Hall to another is allowed, but the involved authorities must be immediately informed. Consequetly, changing residency to another Italian municipality may delay the process.
  15. Can I move my residency from Italy to a different country while my Italian citizenship application is pending?
    No; you cannot change your residency (residenza) to a different country until the process will be officially concluded (which means, until the Oath of Allegiance will be officially taken).
  16. Will there be a citizenship interview when applying for Italian citizenship by residency?
    Yes; during the process of Italian citizenship application, the applicant will be required to attend an appointment at the local Prefecture (prefettura) and submit all original certificates and documents.
  17. Can I submit copies instead of original documents when applying for Italian citizenship by residency?
    No; you will be required to submit “original” documents at the appointment in the prefecture.
  18. How long does the application process of Italian citizenship by residency take?
    From the submission of the application the process may take 24 months, but authorities can extend it up to 36 months. However, please consider that the period for gathering all required documentation is not included in the mentioned time span.
  19. Is it possible to expedite the process?
    No; there is no way to expedite the statutory timeframes. It is advisable to prepare all necessary documents in a very accurate manner to avoid possible denials or delays during the process.

This article was written by Giuditta De Ricco & Sara Bucalossi.

Do you think you may qualify for Italian citizenship by Residency? Contact us for an initial assessment or send us via email to citizenship@mazzeschi.it .

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