FAQs: Digital Nomad Visa and Remote Worker Visa in Italy

Jun 13, 2024
What is the legal ground for the new visa category for digital nomads and remote workers?

Digital Nomad Visa and Remote WOrker Visa: Frequently Asked Question

Q.1 Digital Nomad Visa in Italy: What is the legal ground for the new visa category for digital nomads and remote workers?
This new category of entries was introduced by DL n. 4/2022, adding letter q-bis) to Art. 27, paragraph 1 of the Immigration law. Further details were outlined in a ministerial decree dated February 29, 2024

Q.2 What is the difference between digital nomads and remote workers?
Digital Nomads are defined as freelancers using technology to work from anywhere while remote workers are employees with a work contract who perform their duties remotely.

Both categories are allowed to enter and work in Italy outside the annual quotas set by the flow decree.

Q.3 What are the requirements to obtain the visa as a digital nomad or remote worker?

  • Be a highly qualified worker. This includes holding a 3-year university degree or having several years of work experience (at least 5 years, or 3 years if in the Information and Communication Technology sector) in a field requiring technical/specialist knowledge.
  • minimum annual income of at least approx. 25,000 euros from lawful sources.
  • valid health insurance for medical care and hospitalization in Italy for the entire duration of the stay.
  • documentation related to availability of a suitable accommodation in Italy
  • proof of at least 6 months of experience in the intended work activity through previous work contracts, assignment letters, invoices, or similar documents.
  • For remote workers category, have a work contract or collaboration agreement or a binding offer with an annual salary not less than the average annual gross salary reported by ISTAT (approximately 34,000 euros); also, the employer or client must certify the absence of convictions for illegal immigration crimes in the last five years.

Q.3 What is the procedure to apply?
Step 1: apply for a visa (short or long stay) at the Italian Consulate or Embassy in the country of residence, proving the above requirements. No prior work authorization is needed.
Step 2: Within 8 working days of entering Italy, apply for a residence permit for work at the police headquarters of the place of residence. Work can begin as soon as the application is filed.

Q4. How long is the residence permit issued for, and how is it renewed?
The residence permit is issued with a 1-year duration and is renewable annually if the initial requirements are still met.

Q.5 Is it possible to change employers or clients?
Yes, digital nomads and remote workers can change employers or clients without restrictions.

Q.6 Is it possible to convert the residence permit to another type of permit?
At the moment the law does not foresee the possibility to convert the digital nomad/remote worker permit into other types of residence permits. However, after five years of regular stay, if requirements are met it is possible to apply for the EU long-term residence permit.

Q.7 Can I bring my family to Italy?

Yes, you can bring minor children and your spouse. Family members will be granted a residence permit for family reasons with the same duration as the worker’s permit. The family permit allows work in Italy without further work authorization.

Q.8 What social security regime applies to digital nomads and remote workers?
Social security payments must be done in Italy, except for countries with bilateral agreements with Italy that allow payments to continue in the home country social security system.

Q.9 What tax regime applies to digital nomads and remote workers? Do they need to open a VAT number?
If a worker spends more than 183 days in Italy, they must comply with Italian tax laws, paying taxes there. Digital nomads must open a VAT number (Partita IVA) to issue invoices, pay social security contributions, and any income taxes. The VAT number must be requested through the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) directly or via third parties such as accountants.

Non-compliance with tax rules may result in the revocation of the residence permit.

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