This article refers to a non-binding precedent, which does not establish a general rule. It is important to note that local authorities may not accept this exception during the process, and pursuing a legal route could involve significant expenses.
Dyslexia, diagnosed as a severe limitation to the ability to learn, is one of the causes of exemption from taking the Italian language knowledge test required for the issue of a long-term resident’s permit.
The legislation (cf. art. 1, par. 3, lett. b, decree of the Ministry of the Interior of 4 June 2010) excludes from the obligation to demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language those suffering from pathologies that limit language learning, and dyslexia is considered in the medical literature as a specific learning disorder.
Interpreting this principle by analogy, we believe that an applicant for Italian citizenship by marriage or residence, if diagnosed with dyslexia, is also exempt from demonstrating knowledge of the Italian language.
TAR Sicilia, section II, 23 December 2022, no. 3738
Attorney at law since 2006, specialized in real estate law, inheritance, citizenship and corporate law.