02 | Work Permits for Highly Skilled/Qualified Worker | Mazzeschi Legal Counsels - Part 2

Sep 13, 2022

EU Blue Card in Italy: Work Permit for highly qualified workers

The EU Blue card in Italy is a work permit for highly qualified workers to work in Italy. It can be applied for at any time of the year, as it is...
Apr 14, 2022

Italy: Fast-Track Immigration Process for Highly Skilled Work Permit Applications

Important notice Please read carefully our articles before contacting our Firm. In the last 24H, we noticed that “misleading” information...
Dec 01, 2021

Changes to the Posted Workers notification procedure

(Last updated on: November 04, 2021) Decree 170/2021 of August 6, 2021 (*) set out the procedure to motivate the need of posting extension...
Oct 25, 2021

Fast track visas in Italy

Which workers can benefit of this procedure? The fast-track process is available for the following categories of applications (the Italian...
Sep 13, 2021

Italy: the right to work checklist and acceptable documents

Employers’ obligation The employer must make sure that each foreign national employee is authorized to work before hiring. Employers are...
Aug 20, 2021

Blue Card – visas for highly skilled workers

Important notice Please read carefully our articles before contacting our Firm. In the last 24H, we noticed that “misleading” information...
Jan 17, 2021

Work permit for professional nurses

NON-EU Professional nurses fall into the category of NON-EU workers who are not subject to annual immigration quotas. Therefore,...
Jan 25, 2019

Tax incentives for attracting human capital in Italy

Several categories of NON-EU workers are cap-exempt and the quota limitation system which is the general rule in Italy does not apply to them....
Nov 25, 2016

The EU Policy to Attract Highly Skilled Workers

The EU Policy to Attract Highly Skilled Workers: The Status of Implementation of the Blue Card Directive A worldwide shortage of about 38-40 million...
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