How can the NON-EU Spouse of an EU CITIZEN live in Italy? Carta di Soggiorno and its Benefits

Aug 01, 2022

A Non-EU national who is married to an EU citizen (or those who are in an attested Domestic Partnership) qualify for a permit of stay for family reasons, which is called Carta di Soggiorno.

1. How can I get a Carta di Soggiorno in Italy?

The preliminary requirements to support the application are:

  • Being in possession of a Marriage certificate or a Domestic Partnership certificate, issued by the competent national authority
  • Being in possession of an adequate house in Italy
  • Being in possession of adequate financial means to support themselves
  • The EU spouse must be registered as resident in Italy

Once in possession of the supporting documents dully notarized, legalized and/or apostilled, the EU spouse can register his/her Residency in Italy and procure a residency certificate while the non-EU spouse can proceed with filing his/her Permit of Stay (carta di soggiorno) at the local post office.

After filing the application, the non-EU spouse will be given:

  • an application receipt allowing him/her to remain in Italy while waiting for the permit of stay card to be issued
  • an invitation letter to attend the “fingerprints” appointment at the local police office

Within a couple of months of the fingerprints appointment the permit of stay shall be approved and the non-EU spouse must visit the local police office one last time to collect the permit of stay card.

As a very last step, the non-Eu spouse in possession of the permit of stay card can register his/her residency with the local Italian town hall.

2. Benefits of a Carta di Soggiorno

  • It has longer validity (5 years) compared to other kind of Permit of Stay
  • The holder of carta di soggiorno is allowed to work in Italy
  • Compared to other types of permit of stay, the costs are less.
  • It allows the foreigner to stay out of Italy for up to 6 months per year
  • It can be converted into a Permanent Permit of Stay (if complied with other requirements)

The information provided on this article (i) does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; (ii) are for general informational purposes only.

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