Giuditta De Ricco | Mazzeschi Legal Counsels - Part 2

Apr 06, 2022

Opening a Representative Office in Italy

The simplest business structure available to a foreign company to establish a presence in Italy is the “Representative Office” (in Italian:...
Apr 01, 2022

Buying a house in Italy

Can a foreign national buy a house in Italy? Buying a house in Italy : As a general rule, Italian law permits the purchase of real estate by...
Jan 18, 2022

Legal Updates 2022: Italian Citizenship under the 1948 rule

With law No. 206 of 26th November 2021 - in force since December 24th, 2021 - new disposals have been formulated in order to make the civil...
Jan 14, 2022

Children born to an Italian mother prior to 1948: can you obtain Italian citizenship?

Italian citizenship law is based upon the principle of jure sanguinis (blood right), so any child born of Italian parents is also an Italian...
Jun 01, 2021

Italian citizenship and residency rights to same-sex partners

Since 2016 Italy has allowed civil partnerships “Formazioni Sociali Specifiche” between same-sex couples. The rights and obligations for...
Mar 05, 2021

Italian citizenship and delays caused by the Consulate: what can be done?

The Court of Rome has recently established that in those cases where the Italian consulate has not ensured a response in a reasonable time, it...
Jun 29, 2020

1983: A GOOD DATE! Did you marry an Italian man before 1983? If so, you are automatically Italian

Any woman who married an Italian man up until April 27, 1983 obtained Italian citizenship in an automatic and immediate manner from the date of the...
Jun 26, 2020

Italian Citizenship by Marriage or civil union

People who are married, or joint in a civil union, to an Italian are entitled to acquire citizenship (cittadinanza per matrimonio). The...
Apr 03, 2019

Reacquisition of the Italian Citizenship

Currently, Italian citizenship is regulated by Law of February 5th 1991, No. 91, Presidential Decree of 12 October 1993, No. 572 and the DPR of 18...
Mar 22, 2019

3 Ways to Apply for Italian Citizenship

Some love Italy for its food and way of life, some need to travel to Europe for work and cannot stay more than 90 days without a visa, while for...
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