Since 2020, Mazzeschi Srl has started publishing articles on Italian business topics at MUFG BizBuddy.
MUFG BizBuddy is the website of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial group. This website is specialized in offering information on business (from various perspectives, such as: legal, currency analysis, area report, etc.) of several countries and regions around the world to investors and entrepreneurs.
Mazzeschi Srl will be officially publishing articles, on a monthly basis, concerning strategic topics on doing business in Italy, especially form a legal perspective. More specifically, we will be offering key information to foreign investors and entrepreneurs on: business types in Italy, how to establish a company or a business presence in Italy, types of work permit, Start-ups in Italy and many other important aspects to be considered before expanding the business to Italy.
MUFG BizBuddy website: