Italy Digital Nomad Visa Expalined in One Slide

Mar 26, 2025
Digital nomad visa in Italy explained in one slide

Digital Nomad Visa: Standard list of documents

Digital Nomad Visa is a new visa introduced in Italy. It can be issued under 2 categories, which are: 1) digital nomad visa and 2) remote workers.

  1. Passport valid for a period of at least 15 months past your intended date of travel to the Schengen Area (including Italy).
  2. Proof of physical residence in the consulate jurisdiction,.
  3. One Visa application form completely and clearly filled out, and signed by the applicant.
  4. One recent, ICAO standard photograph: 45mm (1.77 inch) tall and 35mm (1.37 inch) wide, full face, front view, color photograph
  5. Letter or certificate of travel medical insurance showing coverage for medical expenses, hospitalization costs and repatriation for medical reasons, for the days you are outside the United States. Insurance coverage must not be less than 30,000 Euro (or $50,000).
  6. Proof of professional qualifications:
  • The possession of a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree that must be recognized through CIMEA or a Declaration of Value; or
  • For professions licensed by government agencies, such as architects, engineers, teachers, etc., please present an attestation from the applicable Italian Authority certifying that you possess the requirements set out by law; In some cases, it may be necessary to acquire a license to exercise a regulated profession before you are able to apply for the visa; or
  • proof of at least five years’ professional experience (3 years in IT sector). The applicant must submit the following documents released by the Public Authority of the country where the expertise was acquired: (i) identification data of the company and the business sector it operates or operated in; (ii) the position held within the company (owner, partner, employee); (iii) copy of the employment contract and/or copies of the pay slips related to the period worked (at least two for each year); (iv) letter from the company or employer describing your professional duties at the company including the start and end dates of the employment

7. Lease, rental contract, or deed for property in Italy: the lease, rental contract, or deed must be in the applicant’s name and must cover the entire duration of the visa, registered it with the Agenzia delle Entrate, the Italian Tax Authority. A third party’s offer of hospitality or a hotel stay is unacceptable.

8. Proof of income no less than 24,789 euros per year. Proof can be provided in a variety of ways, including paystubs, tax return, or three most recent bank statements. The income must derive from the work the applicant will be performing in Italy. Other passive income, such as Social Security, rents, or stocks, will not be considered.

9. Proof of six or more months’ prior work experience in the field

  • For digital nomads: tax returns, client invoices, membership in professional or industrial associations can all provide evidence of employment
  • For remote workers: tax returns, pay slips or a letter from the employer can be used as proof of employment

10. The nonrefundable visa application fee

Additional Requirements for Remote Workers:

  1. Employment contract showing a salary that equals or exceeds 34,000 euro p/y.
  2. Letter from employer stating that the employer has not been convicted in the past five years of any crimes related to the facilitation of illegal immigration, the exploitation of minors for work purposes, the violation of labor laws, etc. The letter must be signed by an executive, legal representative and the signature must be accompanied by a photocopy of the signer’s photo ID.

Once the digital nomad visa is obtain, the applicant shall proceed with the Residence Permit (permesso di soggiorno).

For the in-country process, please see the following article.

What to do after arrival in Italy with a long term (type D) visa ? | by Marco Mazzeschi | Medium

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